Friday, May 05, 2006

Livms radio (and then some)...

The latest instalment of ma radio show is available over at - just click the wee bit at the top left of the front page to get yer paws on it. Also available for streaming/download are most of the other ones we've done so far.

Its started a bit of a bit of a beel on the livims message board. Folk started wondering why local music wasnt on the local commercial radio station. Cynical me said it was a total no go area, but younk Trixter (the David-spirited guitarist fae Covert Camel), was having nane ae it and convinced a bunch of us tae brass it. A small deluge of emails tae yon station (the Goliath of this tale) asked "Haw! Whits the score?" The next thing we know is yon local DJ blokey popped up on the thread and bobs yer uncle - River FM invited livi bands tae get involved!

Ok, so they only want the most poppy bands and stuff and aye, it might well be nothing more than a PR excercise but for now a bunch of fretboard freaks, drumbums and the otherwise introverted feel like someone gives a crap. Thats got to be as good as any stane in the bonce.

Viva livi music!


Blogger babybell said...

dougle you are a legend. havent seen you in ages...this needs to be fixed.
loving the radio show....MON THE DOUGLEROSS.


5:17 pm  
Blogger Dougleross said...

Yay! Claire is alive! Hope yer doing well Bud :)

12:53 am  

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