Sunday, May 21, 2006


Spent a while caffin' and spraffing wi some fellow Jesus jabbers this week. Ma wee mind ends up blown by God - as usual.

I realise that more than ever I need to disconnect and depend less on human life-support mechanisms, those habits of old. Mechanisms like pride (only I can do it!), laziness (someone else do it!) and fear (I cant do it!). Mankind relied on these non-God sources of supplement back in Eden and ended up perverted. We God-grown organic creatures transformed into mechanistic sin-cyborgs, unthinking automatons set to self-destruct in the ritual pursuit of self-preservation.

The blood of Jesus has seeped into my workings... broken my coding... making me free to de-evolve (any geneticist will tell you most mutations prove fatal anyway), and become all human once more. But the things of God are hard - loving, becoming vulnerable and pursuing God is hard. The robotic urge to switch off and feel no more appeals to the idea of being strong and invulnerable (a true Scots trait?), but will leave us like rusting tin cans at the end of time.

Ma wee egocentric corner of creation needs to change... needs to be open to change. Wow – sustaining that kind of attitude seems to be an insurmountable task. I worry if future people writing about what God did in Edinburgh at the start of the century (what? Aaargh - more narcissism!), will lament it having become a monolithic android factory like so many other movements before it. But worry is part of the life support apparatus (back to here already?!).

Lord Jesus… its me again… I think I need more grace.


Blogger boxthejack said...


3:57 pm  
Blogger Jamie said...

and Amen :)

4:25 pm  

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