Thursday, May 11, 2006

I like short songs...

Today is the day that Boot To Head Records finally took delivery of the Voice Of The Mysterons album!

God willing, "They Heve Pulled Down Deep Heaven On Their Heads or Come Hell Or High Voltage; electromagnetic rapture-rock for Abbadons lost lads and lasses" will be mastered and ready for release this summer.

9 months in the making (so far). I canny believe it - what are we, Pink Floyd or something? Well not really when you consider 16 songs are puckered down intae 23 and a 1/2 minutes of frenzied punk rock experimentia, averaging at an easy going 83 seconds per song.

Ok... so I'll concede a little pride at this, but its nothing when you compare it to the first album by a great american punk band called Poison Idea. 14 songs on a 7 inch peice of vynl (played at the regular 45rpm if that means anything to you).


Blogger MaFt said...

9months? blimey - ya could have had a baby by now :)

my 2 cd's i've recorded (different bands each time) were recorded and mixed (didn't really need mastering cos they were all done in the same session) in a day! 1st time was 8 songs in 11 hours, 2nd time was 8 songs in 8 hours.

the latter was entitled: 'is this the best they could do?' - quite frankly, it wasn't...

can't wait for the album to be released - you should release some teasers here :)


10:36 am  
Blogger Dougleross said...

Sounds gid man - ne chance you could bring some samples up to Embra while yer up this weekend?

1:03 pm  

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